He has his drum, his pipe and pipe bag, and he’s decked out in his best outfit and blanket. You can bet that everyone on the sidelines will notice Strong Heart when his tribe makes it’s Grand Entry dance at the Pow Wow. If you haven’t had the experience of attending a Pow Wow here is a link from last years All Nations gathering in Albuquerque, New Mexico:
After watching such events you can understand where the “Wow” in Pow Wow comes from. You can also see just why I love carving Native Americans. The colors, the details of the costumes, and the pageantry opens the door to the endless enjoyment in trying to duplicate such things in a woodcarving.

In the past, I made the drum by covering the wooden frame with a piece of wet chamois. Once dry it stretched tight against the frame just like a piece of rawhide would on a real one. Unfortunately, that plan didn’t work this time and working against a deadline, I went ahead and carved the drum. It looks just as good but a little bit of the enjoyment was lost by not being able to make a miniature version just like a real one. The Pipe Bag design came from a Northern Cheyenne bag I have that a good friend was kind enough to give me a few years ago. I hope I gave it the respect it deserves. Here are some other closeups of various details on the piece. The design was painted on the drum and then, once dry, I drybrush the middle area to indicate the use it would have after being beaten by the drum stick. The pipe was carved and painted to represent the Catlinite pipe stone used for such things.

So, I hope you like him as much as I do and I hope you wish him good luck at the Pow Wow. Personally, I think he’ll make the hit he deserves. Again, comments always welcome and sought. It’s lonely out here in the country!