Shining Times

Shining Times

Originally published on October 14, 2010

This one just sort of happened.  I needed something to do at the weekly Tuesday carving meeting so I made a quick run through some new photos laying next to my carving station and there he was.  He looks kind of plain at the moment but just wait till the beading starts appearing!  Not sure just what will be on his neck bag, probably some sort of Native American design.  He’s also a little over sized standing at around 12″ with the sycamore base.   It ought to be a really colorful figure.

My good friend Bob from Indiana will be coming down Monday for a couple days of carving.  This will be a test run to see someone can put up with me and I with them for several days of solid carving.  If it works out I’ll give some more thought to that old Carving College idea of some time back.  

Anyway, this will probably be the last piece I can get finished before the Dayton show unless I get real enthused about something else.  I’ve been carving so much lately my chest is bruised!  And to add to that I super-glued my fingers together a while ago and had to cut them apart!  OUCH!

Comments welcome!

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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