Originally published on May 19, 2012
Just about ran out of paint on this fella. Still pondering on whether to put a medicine totem on the front of the shield. Probably will as it needs something to bust up that flat surface. I used horse hair to make the scalp locks that hang off each shoulder. Put little wire eyelets on each one and then attached them with corresponding eyelets into the shoulders. That way they swing freely like the feathers.
The horse dance stick has a horse hair mane, a wire bit and leather reins and decorative strips front and back. These do a good job of hiding the large dowel that holds the shield to the body. I used a technique I used before on some lances to simulate fur on his hair wraps. After carving them I gave them a heavy coat of Mod Podge and then sprinkled on some fine gravel. Once dry I painted it a dark tan then emphasized the divisions with a darker brown and to finished it I dry brushed on some light tan. I think it looks pretty good and adds a lot of interest and texture to the piece. If you look at the large head feathers from the back you’ll note some heavy texturing where they are tied together. For that I use acrylic modeling past, stippled on and then painted. I think it looks pretty good.
Comments welcome.

Dear Lynn. First of all, I sure miss watching your YouTube and hope to see more in the future.
I started carving at the age of 76 years old ( 2 years ago ) after watching your site and others, ” you the BEST ” I started with book patterns then moved to Roughouts of which I’ve completed 40 roughouts and have on hand 5, yet to be started and would very much like to try my hand at carving your horse with the fence in the background. I would be most grateful if you could text this project’s pattern, willing to pay for it. Thank you for your time, good health, happy carving.
your friend Phil