I’ve seen a number of posts and questions over the years about just what colors should be used to paint a Black character, whether caricature or otherwise. Well, I’ll give you my solution and it’s a simple one. We’ll use Sgt Buffalo as an example as I think the colors used in his case do an excellent job of capturing the effect we’re after.
Remember, this is using my method of painting the figure once it has been dampened with water. So let’s list the colors involved that were used on the Soldier: Red Iron Oxide, Yellow Ochre, and Midnight Blue. The Red and Yellow colors are mixed and applied to the damp wood with the Blue used to achieve the desired color of a Black character. The Blue mixed with the Red & Yellow give the Brown tint. More Blue is used on the 5 o’clock areas of the face and the eyelids. Using a wet brush color is washed away some from the cheeks and nose. Finally, a thin wash of Red is used to color those areas that receive the sun. The lips also receive a darker shade of red. For the hair straight black or Licorice is used.
To help you reach the colors you’re after keep a piece of damp wood handy to test how they interact when applied. Also, make sure you keep the wood damp to let the colors meld together.
I hope this helps you with your painting. In the future I’ll try to do a video demonstration of what I’m attempting to explain here. If you have a question just drop a comment below and I’ll try to answer.
As always, all comments are welcome.