White Antelope – Finished

White Antelope – Finished

Originally published in 2013

Hooray!  It’s finally finished!  I’ve been working on this thing for what seems like ages.  Thankfully, it’s done and out of the shop.  The ermine headress has always fascinated me and I think I’ve captured it pretty well in this piece.  I encourage you to go on Google and do an image search to see just what one looks like to form your own opinion as to how close I came.  There are a lot of attachments with this one…..the horns, the feathers, and the rear cloth.  The beads between the two horns are strung on a wire and glued in place.  The top crown feather, the one thats shaved, is held in place by a brass wire and the lower one is soldered to it.  While it might look fragile it’s not.  The ermine hanging skins are also held in place by wire inserts as are the smaller feathers behind.  On this type of headress the horns are split, no doubt to cut down the weight.  I’ve indicated this feature by hollowing out the rear of each one

All in all I think it turned out pretty nice.  It’s certainly an eye catcher.    Anyway, I hope you like him and will look forward to your comments as I always do.


Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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