Over the past several months I was repeatedly asked “When are you going to start selling carvings again?”  Well, with a lot of hesitation I did just that earlier this week.  Boy!  I was not prepared for the response that that generated.  Right now the shop looks more like a packing operation than any woodcarving activity.  There haven’t been any new wood chips hitting the floor since Tuesday!  Just check out the photo list below to see the characters who have decided to take up a new residence somewhere.  Amazing! I was a little worried that the long lapse since I closed the door to the Gallery maybe the interest in buying woodcarvings had slowed.  The Covid scare had cancelled out just about all the carvings shows we had attended.  Well, it was good to see those shows are coming back  and it was great to see that my personal efforts were still in demand.  So, THANK YOU!  Now, with all those spaces open in the Gallery I’d better buckle down and get to work!

Comments are welcome. ed

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to “WOW!”

  1. jim says:

    I have been following you for sometime now, working with you through all the changes in web postings with your different platforms and trying to stay with you. You have been a big help and a fun teacher. I would like to see more of your help with both the full body, and bust construction to go with the heads, hats, and details. How to do bases, to display your and our art. The website and blog site have been a challenge, and I hope that all settles down for you now. Judy is a saint trying to keep up with you on the bench.

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