Well he’s done and I think I’ll put him in my “Classic” folder as he measures up as an example of my best work. Since the last post I added the side drops and rosettes to the headdress which completes the picture. With the base he measures just over 12″. Another thing you might notice is that he is a borderline caricature….the features might be a little exaggerated but the piece still looks quite realistic. This is one of the best things I personally like about it as it shows I’m still growing and continue to expand the envelope. While I still love doing the funny stuff I’m finding that I also like leaving that path occasionally and striking off in the direction of reality!
I still want to do a complete figure using the techniques I’ve learned with this one Being able to see the spaces or open areas between the various details really adds to the overall appeal of a carving. I have a buffalo skull laying idle on my work bench that was done quite some time back that just might be incorporated into a piece with a full war bonnet. I think that would present a great challenge with a beautiful result. We’ll see.
Anyway, hope you like what you see and as always your comments are welcome and appreciated.
Yes Lynn, you out carved yourself. You are the top of the bill, king of all carvers. Maybe Dave Stetson comes second.