Hello 2015- Beans For Breakfast!

Hello 2015- Beans For Breakfast!

With the advent of the New Year I finally wrapped this one up this morning so now he can chow down on those beans!.  I really like the way the jacket painting turned out.  To me it looks exactly like a worn denim jacket.  I originally had planned on having just the figure with his plate of blasters, biscuits and coffee but, although I had the base all made, painted and ready to mount it just didn’t look right.  So……with a bow to the David Lemon bronze “Morning Joe” that we own I added the details directly behind the figure.  This creates a nice composition and also adds to the figures story.

The coffee pot is wood with a metal handle.  The skillet is also wood, filled with peppercorns imbedded in epoxy and painted. The can is made from tin roof flashing with a soldered wire rim and lid made to look like it was cut open with a knife.  The label is just painted paper.  I left a few beans and sauce inside the can to run out and over the base.  I think doing this adds a little more life and humor to the piece.

With the base, the piece stands about 20″ tall so it makes a nice presentation .  Your comments are always welcomed.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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