Red Hawk – 2/22/2015

Red Hawk – 2/22/2015

I had hoped to complete this piece before heading off to the Charlotte, North Carolina Woodcarving show that’s taking place this weekend but as the weather put an end to that it can make it’s debut here.  So, I guess before I can start a new piece I’d better head to the barn and look for my snow shovel!!!  (See Photo Below!)


I’ve done a few similar busts of Native Americans similar to this one but this time I tried a different style of base to elevate it to a higher level and make it a little more impressive……at least I think it does.  The base is walnut.  I had thought about attaching some scalp locks to the shoulders but after trying out a couple decided against it.  With all the decoration it already has that addition might have just be a little too much.  I really like the shield, a design I came across while researching war gear.  I modified it some to keep it from being a direct copy.  There are a lot of different colors in the shields painting but you have to look at it close to see them…blues, blacks, reds, yellows, all blended to make it interesting.  It’s anchored to the base and the figure by metal studs. The tip of the spear is made from hammered copper and anchored in place with some flax material used for leather binding that looks just like rawhide.


So, I hope you like Red Hawk.  It’s a nice piece that should move off the reservation fairly quick….at least I hope it does.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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