The Kansas City Show – 03/16/2015

The Kansas City Show – 03/16/2015

We had a great time at the show.  While the table count for the show was down for the reasons I explained on the “Out West Woodcarving Posse” Facebook page, it was still a success for us.  I managed to take Second Best of Show for my newest piece: “Big Bear” which also took First in the caricature bust category. “Looks Like A Good One” took first in caricature full figure.  “Chicken Catch-a What?” came in second in the full figure group and “A Little Off  the Top” was number two in the bust bunch.    “Looks Like a Good One” sold before the show even started and a small Native American bust sold in the Purchase Award group on Sunday.

The KC group is in the process of joining up with a local Woodworkers group so things should be looking up for a larger show next year, at least everyone is hoping so.  Would hate to see this one disappear as it’s always been good for us.

Comments welcome.


Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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