Fence Work 2 – Finished

Fence Work 2 – Finished

Yahoo!  Finally got this one off the work table.  Had so many other projects going in the shop it was hard to get the time needed to complete it.  But it’s done and I think it looks great.

In painting the figure I muted most of the colors to give the figure a look of having actually worked.  I really like the dark, bluish gray shirt and the dark neckerchief. I especially like the suspender area on his back.  I took a closeup of it.  Neat.   Another nice thing about this piece is that he will eventually join up with the earlier carving titled “Fence Work” that I did a couple of years ago.  They go together quite well….one buy digging the post holes while the other is stringing the wire.  I’ve talked the collector into allowing me to hang on to the new one until after the Dayton show so I have something new on my table.

Comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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