Buffalo Bill Cody – August 21, 2015

Buffalo Bill Cody – August 21, 2015

Buffalo Bill Cody is one of my heroes in American History.  Truly a remarkable man.  In his time he was without a doubt the most famous man in the world.  If you ever get the chance to visit the Cody Museum in Cody, Wyoming you should take it as it is one of the best western collections around.  And of course you must stay at Bill’s Irma Hotel which is named after his Daughter, and sample their fantastic buffet, almost worth the trip itself!

I’ve done quite a few busts of Buffalo Bill over the years but in this one I tried to be a little more realistic.  This one is about 12″ tall with the walnut base and should be a winner once painted.

August 24, 2015:  Put the final brush strokes to this one yesterday and considering my constant squinting he turned out pretty nice.

Comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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