Pancakes – July, 2015

Pancakes – July, 2015

“Pancakes”!  Cookie just whipped up a stack of flapjacks for the boys as a special treat for their hard, dusty work keeping those cows in line.  I had fun with this one, especially making that stack of hotcakes and painting them to look like the real article.  I hit it pretty close I think.   And again, with my growing Cataracts, doing the fine painting was a real chore.  I think that contributed to my problem doing the face on the apron.  Judy and I are scheduled for the operation come on September!  Sure hopes it helps. 

I will contribute this one for the carving auction at the Dayton show this November.  If I remember correctly, it’s an open theme again this year as last.  My Emmet Kelly from a few years back when for a nice sum which benefits the Dayton club and I hope this one does even better.


Comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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