Rooster Cogburn – August, 2015

Rooster Cogburn – August, 2015

This has got to be one of the best I’ve done so it certainly deserves the “Classic” designation as an example of my best work.   I had a little doubt about the collar but it turned out that that was one of the easiest parts to carve.  I did reinforce the tips with some super glue for a little bit of extra protection.  The painting was also quite easy and, like The Searcher, I used a lot of dry brushing to create a well worn effect.    When mounting it to the base I turned it to emphasize the eye patch…maybe just a little bit too much but when I took the photos this morning and viewed the one showing his right side I think it was the right decision.

This one will be my choice to offer the museum as it’s in the caricature genre and therefore more representative of my work.  Whichever one they prefer…The Searcher or Rooster, the other is already spoken for and will reside in a collection with a few of his buddies.

I will look forward to and encourage your comments as I really appreciate you views of my work both positive and negative.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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