Bad News For Billy

Bad News For Billy

It’s Friday the 13th so I should have expected something would happen.  Unfortunately, it happened to the Billy Little Fox video series.  I had hoped to get the first segment posted on Thursday but a combination of badI memory chip, camera problems, and a new computer’s refusal to accept the recorded material resulted in the dreaded Green Screen vs. the normal video.  The 30 minutes Judy and I had recorded on Billy’s project was lost.  So, until we can figure out what the problem is we’re off the air.  Sorry!  We tried!  Hopefully, we can eventually find a cure.  I’ve posted the reference photos below should you want to try the carving without the videos.  I’ve also indicated on the paper the sizes of the piece.  This will result in a finished carving “8 inches tall including the base.  

-Comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to “Bad News For Billy”

  1. Dwayne says:

    That’s unfortunate I was really looking forward to trying this one since I’m a beginner. One thing I would try is shoot a test 1 or 2 minuet video and see how you system handles that before trying an entire session.
    Thanks for your lessons and time.

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