Just Passin’ Time!

Just Passin’ Time!

Too often we get stuck doing the same thing with our projects when just a little thought can take them to a new level.  I can’t remember just when this piece was done but I do remember that when it was first displayed it was scooped up before the show we were at even opened!  I had done another earlier of a little convict setting atop a small clock similar to this one and the same thing had happened.  I’m sure the reason was that viewers or, more importantly, collectors are always on the lookout for something new especially if it’s unique.  So…using my Horseshoe base design, a couple of pieces of walnut, and a small clock and pen available from Hobby Lobby, I turned a simple little figure into a desk ornament that will not only be useful but, more importantly, it will keep an example of my work visible to the collector.

Comments welcome as always.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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