

Some of you might recall that in back 1997 I was fortunate enough to have a similar carving of a gold miner featured on the cover of Chip Chats. I did this one a few years later. While this fella is standing in the creek instead of kneeling most of the other details are quite similar to the earlier piece, i.e., the pick, shovel, gold pan and mount. I did add a sidearm as the claim jumper problem has increased. The creek is set in a hollowed out walnut base and surrounded by clear resin. As before I used some goldleaf to cover a small pebble which I secured between his fingers and then sprinkled some flakes of the goldleaf on the creek bottom and in his pan before I poured the resin. It gives a great effect to see those pieces sparked underneath the water.

When using resin or clear epoxy to make a water effect it’s always good to remember to do it in stages. In this instance I mounted everything in place first as once the resin is poured nothing can be moved. I added just enough to the bottom of the creek to allow me to position my rock and gravel detail so it would be locked in place. Once that was dry I added a little more in several steps to build it up to the level I was after. With the creek done I added a little gravel in the pan and then enough resin to drip over the edge into the creek below. As a last step to make the water rings from the dripping pan and the drop from the pan edge once the resin was completely cured I mixed up a little 5 minute epoxy and with a toothpick worked it into the rings and that drop. All this might sound a little involved but the effect is worth it and its also a lot of fun. Oh….almost forgot…..take an old brush and paint some resin up over his boots so they look like he was standing in the water.

Comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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