Another favorite from 2007! I had finished the original piece for the Red Stegall Chuckwagon Event in Fort Worth, Texas, a year earlier but it sold as soon as it was displayed. So, here’s a duplicate which also disappeared into someone’s collection.

“Even though it’s Labor Day I spent the time down at the shop finishing up this little repeat. I did one similar to this several years ago. I had this horse setting on my workbench and couldn’t match him up with a cowboy so thought of doing this scene again. It’s a copy of a painting by Fred Harmon, the artist who drew Red Ryder called “Waiting on the Boss!” Of course I added a few things to flesh it out a bit and bring it up to date. I have no doubt whatsoever that somewhere down there south of the Oklahoma-Texas border there is a outhouse that has a satellite hookup. Unfortunately for the fellow occupied inside this one…. it looks like his viewing will be limited cause I can just imagine where that remote fell. I bet he goes down to WalMart and buys a new one before searching too far inside that little room!”
Setting here writing this post I remembered I have a completed horse setting on the workbench that would fit right in a new rendition of this scene. Hmmmmm….maybe someone needs to go to the bathroom again?