Now here’s a guy you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of! What a shifty looking character! As happens with a lot of my figures, they start during our small Tuesday carving group….now down to just 3 of us, relocated from the Grove, OK Senior Center to my shop down the hill from our home. The most difficult part of this piece was coming up with a name for him. I had originally wanted to call him Sly Weasel, but after kicking it around for a couple of days, the worry of possible offence, something you are now forced to consider, canceled that thought. Frankly, I think he looks a lot more weaselly than foxy. So, in my mind that’s what he’ll always be. Whatever he’s called, I think he’s a pretty nifty individual who will make a nice addition to the lucky collector who takes him home.
I hope you approve and will look forward to your comments.