We have just manage to clear up a problem with our “Subscibe” button on the bottom right of this page. Unfortunately, in doing so we lost all of our previous subscribers! So, if you had previously subscribed to this site or if you wish to subscribe to future posts, please do so again. We certainly do not want you to miss out on future video projects or other things that might be going on out here in the Old West. Many thanks!

Yessir, sign me up!
Thanks for the heads up and for all the inspiration.
I like everything you do for carving. I have learned a great deal from you
Sign me back up and Happy Thanksgiving to you, Judy and all your family.
Glad to hear from you. I was afraid that you stopped alltogether,because of medical issues.
Glad to see you are back, Lynn! Hoping I catch the store opening in time….
Mike Monroe
Charlotte, NC
Please keep me on your email list. Thank you 😊
I’ve been following you for many years but got sidetracked with scrollsawing. Now, I want to try to marry the two hobbies and see what I can come up with. I used to watch you videos on Vimeo but now they want money so I’ll just follow along on Youtube. Thanks for all you do. I’ve learned a ton from watching.