Off Season Santa

Off Season Santa

First I apologize for the squigilly photo above.  It’s early in the morning and I’ve just loaded up the fireplace with logs.  My arms are tired!  Anyway…..

It seems the figure most are interested in around the internet neighborhood is Santa Claus. No matter what time of year someone is working on their Santa or Santas. Having never carved one due of has having nothing really to do with the Old West.  But, as so many have ask over the years if I would do one here he is.

As he is a pretty one dimensional figure, I decided to put him in a more normal pose, away from the trappings of Christmas.  He’s going to be just a normal fella, with the interests and vices we all might have.  So let’s see how it goes.

I’m putting him in a very relaxed position having just circumnavigated the globe.  He’s overweight from all those cookies and hot chocolate.  It’s time for a nice cold beer and some serious reading.   Stay tuned.

Comments welcome as always and we do appreciate them.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to “Off Season Santa”

  1. Steve says:

    Love your carvings and can’t wait to see more of your Santa as it progresses!

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