The Man With No Name – Finished!

The Man With No Name – Finished!

Originally published in 2012

Wow!  I’m sure I wouldn’t want to meet this hombre out in front of the Saloon.  He looks a little P.O.’d!   This was really a fun figure to do and as you can see from the photo.    He’s also pretty impressive….standing about 16′ tall.   I like him!

I swiped one of Judy’s makeup brushes to do some heavy dry brushing on his hat and serape to simulate dust.  I set the holster about 1/8″ off the face of the tombstone to give it a slight shadow effect.  The strap around the holster is made from tupelo, steamed and bent into place.   After I took the photos I noticed that I forgot the belt loop catch on the hoster.  Hmmmm….how’d that get by me?  will have to correct that!  The buckle is bent wire and believe it or not that strip of steamed tupelo bent around it like a piece of soft plastic.

Anyway, I hope you like him as much as I do and your comments are always welcomed and appreciated.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to “The Man With No Name – Finished!”

  1. Billy Humphries says:

    I am stunned and blown away! Amazing piece!

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