“Any Complaint’s?” – Finished!

Originally published in 2012

Well, I put his watch in his vest pocket so he’s ready for his debut!  I really like this one.  As I mentioned earlier, he’s about 16″ tall without the base so you can’t miss him.  Also, using an old style shirt front instead of the usual neckerchief really takes him in a completely different direction than my normal cowboy figures.  I could have made him a lot more rough and dirty looking but I think a point is reached where such things start to detract from the figure as much as they add to it.  I did put a dribble of tobacco juice on his dicky so that should be enough.

I’ve used my Turkey Brand flour sack before and as it’s always been a crowd pleasure thought I’d do it again.  It’s all done freehand with a square tipped brush for the lettering and just a small brush for the turkey.

Always appreciate your comments.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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