Red Horse – Finished At Last!

Red Horse – Finished At Last!

Originally published on March 17, 2014

I gave this one it’s final touch-up this morning so he’s on his way to make a debut at the Kansas City show this coming weekend.  He’s a tall one….topping out at approximately 24″.  One thing I learned while doing this one…it’s a lot easier on my old eyes painting beading in a larger scale.  This just might be the direction any future carvings will be headed.  Besides, a larger carving just attracts that much more attention.  It’s that old Elephant theory again.

As I pretty well explained what was going on in the last post I won’t go into it much here.  I added some leather strips to the top of his pipe and also two strings with wooden beads to his pipe bag.  So, along with his earrings and his feathers there is a lot of movement should a breeze happen to pass by.  I’ve really grown to like that aspect of the pieces I’ve been doing lately as it just brings the carving to life just a little more while also giving me a chance to try out and do new things.  After all, carving is a creative thing, not something that one should just do over and over.  God makes sure that every snowflake is just a little different and that’s the way I want my carvings to be……maybe similar but definitely a little different.

Anyway, I hope you like this new piece and will look forward to your comments as I always do.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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