He Looks Like A Good One!

He Looks Like A Good One!

Originally published on August 23, 2014

I finished this one last week so I guess it’s time I put him up for inspection.  He’s a good sized piece…standing about 22″ tall with the base.  I really like the coloring.  That blue shirt shows lots of use which is as it should be.  The same goes for the gloves.  I do see some areas for improvement after looking at the photos so have made a note of those areas.

I want to say one thing about the lariat that I think might be of use to those of you who might want to include this detail in one of your pieces.  Even though we might work in caricature it’s important to still follow some rules to make our carvings correct.  The other day I saw a carving of a Cowboy holding a lariet which looked more like a Piggin String than a lasso.  A Piggin String is what is used to tie the calfs  feet together during Rodeo roping competitions.  It’s about 6′ feet in length.  The normal lariat runs from 28′ to 32′ in length.  Some are even longer. When I make my version I first determine the scale by measuring my figure and then scaling the wire length to match a 6′ cowboy.  In the case of this figure the length came to about 10 feet.  That might seem like a lot but after making the loop and coiling it through his hand it looks just as it should.  So, when he throws that rope around that rangy cayuse he shouldn’t come up short.

I hope you like him as I do and there are more photos in the Gallery.  As always, your comments are welcome and appreciated.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

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