Lash Larue

Lash Larue

I’ve been working on this one for quite sometime and finally put the finishing touches on it today.  I had thought all that black would just overpower the figure but I think it looks pretty good.  I did do a little dry brushing to bring out the details and wrinkles a little.  I wish I could have done a better job on the whip but other than actually trying to weave one that would be in scale would have just been impossible, especially considering the shape of my sight.  He stands about 12″ high with the base.   Maybe someday I’ll do his side-kick Fuzzy to complete the duo but it will have to wait till another day.

Las LaRue was was a pretty big star back in the 40’s and 50’s.  He was known as the “King of the Bullwhip”, weapon he used in addition to is two sidearms.  Movies, TV, even had his own comic book.  Accompanied with his sidekick Fuzzy Knight, they did their share in cleaning up the outlaws of the old west.

Comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to “Lash Larue”

  1. Kevin Mielcarek says:

    Love to see your take on Fuzzy. He a character worthy of your talent. Go for it!

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