War Bonnet -Part 2 – The Chief

War Bonnet -Part 2 – The Chief

Well he’s done and I think I’ll put him in my “Classic” folder as he measures up as an example of my best work.  Since the last post I added the side drops and rosettes to the headdress which completes the picture. With the base he measures just over 12″.  Another thing you might notice is that he is  a borderline caricature….the features might be a little exaggerated but the piece still looks quite realistic.  This is one of the best things I personally like about it as it shows I’m still growing and continue to expand the envelope.  While I still love doing the funny stuff  I’m finding that I also like leaving that path occasionally and striking off in the direction of reality!

I still want to do a complete figure using the techniques I’ve learned with this one  Being able to see the spaces or open areas between the various details really adds to the overall appeal of a carving.  I have a buffalo skull laying idle on my work bench that was done quite some time back that just might  be incorporated into a piece with a full war bonnet.  I think that would present a great challenge with a beautiful result.  We’ll see.

Anyway, hope you like what you see and as always your comments are welcome and appreciated.


Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to “War Bonnet -Part 2 – The Chief”

  1. Peter Voogt says:

    Yes Lynn, you out carved yourself. You are the top of the bill, king of all carvers. Maybe Dave Stetson comes second.

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