Native American Shield

Native American Shield

Here’s a detail of an upcoming carving I’m in the process of creating. I still have to add a few feathers to the hanging cloth.  The photo is kind of dark but it will brighten up in better lighting. It turned out pretty nice even with my ageing eyes not being what they used to be.  Getting old is no fun.  Hope you like it.  Comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

2 Comments to “Native American Shield”

  1. Jim knight says:

    These pictures are great but what happened to the carving videos ? Where do I find them, finished is good by watching you get there is fun.

    1. Lynn Doughty says:

      Lookup Lynn Doughty on YouTube.

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