Constructed back in 1998, here’s is one of the three scenes that the Woolaroc Museum acquired for their permanent collection. Believe it or not, I only took one photo of it when it was finished years ago! So, bringing it home to give it a tune up before turning it back over to the museum gave me a chance to make a complete photographic study of the piece.
I don’t think there is a need to explain what’s going on in the scene as the stories about Medicine Shows in the old west is pretty familiar to everyone. I added an extra chapter to the tale on the back side of the wagon where two hungry vultures are waiting for the full affect of the hawkers tonic on the poor sod passed out on the ground. To give you an example of the power of this wonder juice just look at what it did to the back step of the wagon. Another thing that I just notice today was that I changed the the lady wearing the sunbonnets head. She’s smiling now! Unfortunately, I can’t make out what the direction signs say. Too much bird poop! Will have to check on that the next trip back to the museum.
There are quite a few photos needed to tell the whole story of the piece. Click on the photos to see a larger version.
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