As I’ve posted all the digital photos I’ve taken over the years, I thought I’d complete the inventory by trying to bring in the carvings that I photographed with my old Pentax SLR camera. As you can see by the photo below, I’ve got quite a few characters pigeoned holed in that box. It will…
Author: Lynn Doughty
Carving a Caricature Horse Head – Part 2
Here is the rest of this little project. Later on we’ll address how to carve the body. Hope you enjoyed the journey!
Carving a Caricature Horse Head – Part 1
As the New Year starts tomorrow, I thought maybe you would be ready for something NEW. Years before we started posting videos, I took individual photos of the pieces which showed the progression when carving a character. So, going back quite a few years, here is one which might be interesting to start with. Now,…
Standing Buffalo – April 15, 2019
Well, it’s been quite some time since I made a post here so I guess I’d better try and catch up. The reason I’ve been absent, besides the spring and summer chores that seem to never end around here, is because Judy and I have been invited to show my carvings at the Cody Old…
Beans and Biscuits! – March 2, 2019
Well, the biscuits look good, the beans tasty but the cook could use a little work! Hope you like him.
Beans & Biscuits – January 31, 2019
I finished this carving last week. So the next step is determining just how to present it. As I’ve done a number of Chuck Wagon Cooks in the past I want to make this one unique from those. Now I could just mount him on a base by himself but by adding another detail apart…
Po Campo – June 15, 2019
If you’re familiar with the TV series and book Lonesome Dove you will recognize Po Campo, the camp cook on the drive to Montana. As he got his job by offering up some crispy insects I thought I would add one to create a little interest to the piece. I carved the body of the…
A Short Rope and a Long Drop!
I’ve used this pose several times in the past. To this one I added the hangman’s rope and noose to create a little mystery to the piece. The rope is made out of twisted wire and while I don’t think I was able to wrap the knot with the regulation 13 times I still think…
Cimarron – June 15, 2019
Not much to say about this fella as I’ve done so many Cowboys over the years there is not really anything that new about him. He’s is a lot larger than my normal figure, standing about 20″ with the base. He’s heading to the big show in Santa Fe so I wanted him a size…
The Wood Chopper – June 15, 2019
Now this one is an exact copy of one I did a few years back. But as he is headed to Santa Fe, and as I always liked the way the colors were so bright and worked so well together, I thought it would gather a lot of interest setting in our display. The wood…