Boy! This is an early one. I remember back in the 80’s when Judy and I were out in the wilds of eastern Rwanda, coming across that piece of drift wood. It is probably from an Acacia tree. Picking it up I knew that one day it would make a great mount for a future…
Author: Lynn Doughty
The Line Rider
When pulling the photos of this piece from the picture file my first thought was “Wow! I sure wish I could still carve that good!” Unfortunately, those days have passed. AFIB and age has just about put the kybosh to my carving abilities. Oh….I still go down to the shop each day and look at…
Just Passin’ Time!
Too often we get stuck doing the same thing with our projects when just a little thought can take them to a new level. I can’t remember just when this piece was done but I do remember that when it was first displayed it was scooped up before the show we were at even opened! …
Just Killin’ Time
I’m not sure I’ve ever published this photo. It of a little convict chipping away at a walnut clock case. I think it makes a nice little piece that would set comfortable on someone’s desk. Hope you like him. Comments appreciated.
Horses For Rent
I honestly can’t remember just how many of these I’ve carved over the years. This is the most popular group of carvings I’ve ever done. One thing you would notice is that while the scene is basically the same the horses are always different and some of the signage changes. That’s important to both me…
Hot Tamales!
Here’s an old friend from the past. I did this one back in 2000 for a collector down in San Antonio, Texas. It ended up in Southern California and was recently put up for auction. It was purchased by a couple in Arkansas. Unfortunately, the previous owner didn’t spend much time packing him up so…
The Gold Nugget Saloon
This is the first and largest scene I’ve done. It was completed back in 1997. As you can see in the associated photos there is a lot going on at the Gold Nugget. From Diamond Lil beckoning and newly arrived Cowboy to come up and test her brass bedsprings to the cheating cardshark reaching for…
Five Easy Pieces
This was my second scene, completed back in the mid-90’s. Unfortunately, I only have three photos of it and they are basically the same. Here’s a very valuable tip…….TAKE LOTS OF PHOTOS OF YOUR PIECES!! Especially now that we are in the digital age where we can store gobs of photos on our computers at…
The Farrier
Here is one I did back in 2002. As our Farrier comes around to give the horses a retread about every 6 weeks I thought he would make a good subject for a carving. Naturally I placed him back in the Old West and considering that commercial shoes probably weren’t that readily available or affordable…
Cookie’s Sunday Treat
Another chuckwagon cook? This time whipping up a special treat for the boys….a couple of delicious apple pies. One is in the oven bubbling away and the other will soon to be baking. I put a paring knife in his hand as he’s just finished trimming the top crust and adding a few vent holes. …