Black Horses..Dark Nights!

It’s 4:00am!  It’s still dark! He’s assigned first watch!  The boss is pissed!  His horse is Black!  There are about 50 horses in the remuda!  He’s got a problem!   Well, the boy’s in the bunkhouse told that new hire that picking that pretty little jet black filly was not the best idea.  I’ll bet he…

Beer Thirty!

It must be close to sunup as the boy’s are back at the bunkhouse, thirsty and ready for a cold one.  This was a fun little piece as it challenged me to create a complete sixpack container with 6 bottles.  To do that I made a trip to the store, bought a sixpack of Coors,…

Brain Surgery!

This is a little carving I did years ago for a friend in the hospital who had a brain seizure.  He totally recovered from it and I’ve always wondered if that little carving may have helped? Comments welcome.

“Biscuits, Beans and Buckaroos”

This scene was completed back in 1996.  I believe it was the first multiple group in a setting I made. While the Chuckwagon was kind of toy-ish, I think it was pretty nice for a wainwright just learning the trade.  I even included myself in the setting….that’s me setting on a crate with a jaw…

Out West Book Ends

Here’s a set of Book Ends I carved back in 2016.  I thought it would be fun to put a Cowboy fighting to control his horse through a set books.  I tried to put as much action in the piece as I could and as the picture below shows I think I accomplished that.  Too…

Ok….I Have An Excuse This Time!

Yes, its been a while since my last post.  Unfortunately, 2 weeks ago, after we had our 3″ snowfall, I was on my way down to the shop and fell flat on my a**, slipping on a patch of driveway ice.  OUCH!  My butt still hurts!  Anyway, setting here shifting around on my Whoopie cushion,…

Arbuckles Best

As I’ve posted all the digital photos I’ve taken over the years, I thought I’d complete the inventory by trying to bring in the carvings that I photographed with my old Pentax SLR camera.  As you can see by the photo below, I’ve got quite a few characters pigeoned holed in that box.  It will…

Carving a Caricature Horse Head – Part 1

As the New Year starts tomorrow, I thought maybe you would be ready for something NEW.  Years before we started posting videos, I took individual photos of the pieces  which showed the progression when carving a character.  So, going back quite a few years, here is one which might be interesting to start with.  Now,…

Standing Buffalo – April 15, 2019

Well, it’s been quite some time since I made a post here so I guess I’d better try and catch up. The reason I’ve been absent, besides the spring and summer chores that seem to never end around here, is because Judy and I have been invited to show my carvings at the Cody Old…