The Country Doctor

Here are two small carvings  of Country Doctors from back in the 90s.  I have done similar figures a couple of times before . These stand about 7″ tall not counting the base. Funny, I was seriously considering reducing the size of my figures beginning with these but after the positive results of several woodcarving…

Burnt Biscuits

One thing for sure….when the boys come riding in at daybreak after a hard night in the saddle and see the carbonized texture of these sinkers any atta-boys the cook managed to accumulate will quickly disappear!-I did this one back in ’02 and believe me it was fun not only in creating this scene it…

Buckaroo Breakfast – 2009

This is a pretty involved scene as I wanted to get in as much of the actual detail of a Chuckwagon set up as possible.  It took me about a year and a half to complete it. In the closeup photos in the photos below you can see the details more clearly.  The cowboy leaning…

Buffalo Bill

I think this bust of Buffalo Bill, created back in 2003, stands out from the others so I’ll devote a separate post for it. I completed it after a trip through Cody, Wyoming on our way to Yellowstone. If you’ve never been to Cody and the Buffalo Bill Historical Center that is located there you…

Buffalo Soldier – Older Version

 I did this first carving of a Buffalo Soldier back in 1999 after seeing the movie “Sergeant Rutledge” which starred Woody Strode as 1st Sgt. Braxton Rutledge.  The Buffalo Soldier really makes a nice character to carve as they are so unique to our western expansion. With units of them stationed north of where we live…

Buffalo Soldier

I did this piece back in 2009. I’ve always had a fascination with the Buffalo Soldiers. You probably already know that they acquired that name from the Native Americans who associated their dark skin and woolly topknots to the animals that roamed the plains. Here is a where you can learn just about everything you…

The Bullfighters

I can’t remember exactly when I made this scene other than it was quite some time ago.  I see it every time I enter the Out West Gallery and the thought that first comes to my mind about it is “Boy! That Bull needs some major surgery!”  Well, one of these days he’s going to…

The Brush Popper

Here’s another early one…same base but the figure is a little more fleshed out.  He’s packin’, i.e., there’s a pistol strapped to his belt.  And check out his calf skin vest! Classy!  And that lip foliage will really get the ladies talking down at the local watering trough!  While he might look a little to…

An Early Cowboy

This young wrangler is from back in 1999 from the date on the back.  I’m still developing my personal style.  I call it  my “Closed Eyes” period.  I would eventually open them but not quite yet.  I was also using my horseshoe base design…a real shoe nailed down to a piece of oak.  Overall, a…

Buckaroo With Saddle

I think this is one of my best figures with some excellent details.  What’s a Cowboy without his Saddle or his horses bit, headstall and reins?  Out of a job, that’s what!  I spent a lot of time to make sure I got the details of each item in his rig as accurate as possible. …