
Originally published on October 11, 2009 It’s about Beer-30 and time for a cold one after a dusty day in the saddle. No long-neck for this wrangler…a frosty can with a pop-top will do just fine.-I did this one back in ’03 and it’s probably setting on a bar somewhere in Virginia, at least that’s where…

The Oldtimer

This one was created back in 2004.  A real nice piece.  Lots of details.  Hope you like him.  Comments always welcome. 

Rise And Shine!

Originally published on September 30, 2009 Now that’s a stretch! I think this carving really turned out great and even though I didn’t add that second figure it ended up just the way it should have.-One thing we have to remember is that the larger the piece the harder the sell. That is another reason I…

‘Round The Bunkhouse Stove

Originally published on Friday, September 25, 2009 Just finished this first character for my Bunkhouse Stove scene. Had the wife come down and model her longjohns so I could get the folds right. I had some worries about the face and whether I could capture a yawn correctly but it turned out just right. There’s…

Making A Bunkhouse Stove

Originally posted on Sunday, September 20, 2009 I came across this photo the other day while looking for Bunkhouse reference material. While I’ve made potbelly stoves in the past I’d never considered a box style. It’s clear that the fellas gathered around this heater are not Cowboys but it would be an easy matter to…

From Wood To Bronze

Originally published on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 Several years ago I thought I’d have one of my pieces cast in bronze to see whether the wood medium would transfer over to bronze. For those of you unfamiliar with the bronze process here is a link that will fully explain just what is involved. One of…

Billy The Kid

Originally published on Saturday, August, 30, 2008 This is a little carving I did off of that famous photo of Billy. The only change I made was to place his rifle in his hand instead of having him holding by the tip of the barrel with the butt on the ground. I like the way…

Bound For Rendezvous!

Originally published on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Here is a really nice piece I did quite a few years ago. It was the first one where I experimented with making water so it was really a lot of fun figuring out just how to do it. The technique is really quite simple, especially in this…

Out West Gallery Raffle

Okie Joe, considering that he grew up in Oklahoma,  informed me that he would like to help generate some new and continued interest in the Out West Blog site.  He’s also indicated that even though he’s an Oklahoma Boy he would like to check out some new territory. To that end we’ve decided to conduct…

Okie Joe Project – Finished At Last!

Well, once more I’ve been remiss in posting the video episodes of this project as their finished.  Sorry!  So here is the link to my Youtube page where you can find the complete series:   https://www.youtube.com/user/lodoughty With the arrival of spring on the ranch, the chores have multiplied considerably and things have been pretty hectic around…