He has his drum, his pipe and pipe bag, and he’s decked out in his best outfit and blanket. You can bet that everyone on the sidelines will notice Strong Heart when his tribe makes it’s Grand Entry dance at the Pow Wow. If you haven’t had the experience of attending a Pow Wow here…
Author: Lynn Doughty
Looking Back…..Darn, I Dropped the Remote!
Another favorite from 2007! I had finished the original piece for the Red Stegall Chuckwagon Event in Fort Worth, Texas, a year earlier but it sold as soon as it was displayed. So, here’s a duplicate which also disappeared into someone’s collection. “Even though it’s Labor Day I spent the time down at the shop…
Looking Back – Unnamed Cowboy And His Pal Squint!
Here’s a couple of wranglers I carved back in November, 2007. I’ve mentioned before that, during our small woodcarving group meetings down at the Senior Center each Tuesday, I can generally roughout a carved head so doing these small busts is a quick way to dispose of the “head overflow” that occurs on my workbench….
Looking Back – “Should We Read Him His Rights?”
I had originally carved the steer in this scene for another group I was carving but it turned out just a little out of scale to be used. I can’t really remember just how the thought of depicting a little prairie justice came about but it worked and it was a lot of fun putting…
Looking Back – Way Back!
This was the 2nd Blog Post I made back in May, 2006. Hard to believe it was 14 years ago. There were not very many woodcarving sites up and active back then and we hadn’t adopted the video format yet….everything was illustrated by photos which, unfortunately, are no longer available due to Google cancelling their…
Looking Back – Joshua Deets
Since switching to the new ‘word press’ format of this site, and my feeble brain being in it’s upper 70’s, learning just how to use it has been quite daunting at times. Considering this, I thought I could get in some good practice by revisiting some past posts by bringing them back for a second…
A Sharp Dressed Man
Here’s one I had a little fun with. He sat on my paint table for about 6 months partially painted as I just couldn’t figure out what to put on his suit lapels. If you could see under the current design you would see about 4 different designs that just didn’t work out. After another…
Pow Wow Bound
I started this one last week, finished up the last few details, and he’s finally ready for the paint table. He stands at around 15 inches with the walnut & basswood base so he makes a nice presentation. I haven’t decided on just what the color scheme will be but it will be a colorful…
After the Hunt
Here’s one from back in 2016. Lots of detail and a great paint job! I really like the way the shield turned out. I made the spear head out of a piece of metal that I hammered to look like a piece of chipped flint. Just might have to try this pose again! Hope you…
The Emperor Goes To War!
Actually, he went to Mexico! Sure hope he doesn’t have revolution on his mind. We have enough of that up here for it to start down there! I did this one for my good friend Diego, down south of the border. I hope you like him and remember…..Your comments are welcome.