What’s a Cowboy without his saddle? I’ve carved a gazillion of them and they seem to leave the show table as soon as they’re set out. Santas, Gnomes, carved roughouts? Forget it! Carve a couple Saddles and watch how fast they disappear! You can’t miss…I guarantee it! I’ve included lots of photos below along with…
Category: Sculpture
Digging deeper I found another very early carving. This one is a direct copy of Frederic Remington’s painting. I still have this piece but for some reason I don’t think I’ve ever shown it here. I think this one was also carved back in the late 70’s. Judy and I were living in Tulsa at…
Saturday Night Shootup
Woah! Digging way back in the photo box I found this one from 1979. This was my first attempt at carving a horse and figure together. I was surprised that it worked out so well. I will admit that I borrowed the action of the horse pose from the sculptor Harry Jackson’s bronze “Pony Express”. …
Sour Note Charlie
This is the second version of this poor guitar player that I carved. Evidently, from the looks of his guitar and hat, his music didn’t measure up to the campfire’s standards! A fun figure to carve which didn’t hang around the Gallery very long. Comments welcome.
Road Agents At Prairie Dog Junction
Here is a scene I did back in 2006 which is on permanent display in the Woolaroc Museum here in Oklahoma. It depicts a holdup at Prairie Dog Junction. I borrowed the idea for this one from a Charlie Russell painting I saw at the Russell Museum in Great Falls, Montana. Lots of detail here….
Some of you might recall that in back 1997 I was fortunate enough to have a similar carving of a gold miner featured on the cover of Chip Chats. I did this one a few years later. While this fella is standing in the creek instead of kneeling most of the other details are quite…
Out Of The Chute!
I had originally planned on having this carving as the main piece to a Rodeo scene but after a great deal of thought I let it go to a determined collector. It was a fun piece, showing a lot of action and a challenge to mounting it securely. If you look close you can see…
Just Passin’ Time!
Too often we get stuck doing the same thing with our projects when just a little thought can take them to a new level. I can’t remember just when this piece was done but I do remember that when it was first displayed it was scooped up before the show we were at even opened! …
Just Killin’ Time
I’m not sure I’ve ever published this photo. It of a little convict chipping away at a walnut clock case. I think it makes a nice little piece that would set comfortable on someone’s desk. Hope you like him. Comments appreciated.
The Gold Nugget Saloon
This is the first and largest scene I’ve done. It was completed back in 1997. As you can see in the associated photos there is a lot going on at the Gold Nugget. From Diamond Lil beckoning and newly arrived Cowboy to come up and test her brass bedsprings to the cheating cardshark reaching for…