A Good Trade

Back in the 1800’s when this Rockie Mountain Rendezvous occured, this Mountain man managed to swap a few beaver pelts for a pretty nice blanket.  It will no doubt come in handy on cold winter nights high in the mountains. I think Beaded Blanket strips are one of the most colorful items associated with Native…

The Captain’s Coat

Originally published on May 31, 2014 I don’t know if you all have been following the “Turn” series presently showing on the AMC channel about General Washington’s spy network, it sure sparked my interest.  I had just recently read BrianKilmead’s book “The Secret Six” which was also about these same events but seeing the many…

Spotted Horse

Believe it or not, here is a NEW carving I’ve been working on!  And yes….it’s been a struggle to find the time to get this far!  Springtime around here seems to be nothing but chores, and this year you can add close calls from a couple of Tornadoes into the mix!  Thankfully, with the advent of…

Iron Shirt – Finished!

Originally published on April 7, 2014 Here he is….all painted up and ready to make his debut!  I had my doubts for a while as to whether he would turn out as nice as I originally planned but glad to say he made the grade.  The colors really set him off and the feathers and…

Iron Shirt

Originally published on March 18, 2014 Here’s the beginning of a new Native American bust.  The plan is to have him not only wearing a highly decorated coat but also a Conquistador’s breast armor underneath.  Sounds interesting?  I started the head this past Saturday while at a regional Carve-In we held down at the local…

Where’d He Go?

Sorry for the lack of posts lately.  Had to make a quick trip to North Carolina on personnel business.  Should be back to posting in a couple of days.

Red Horse – No Color Yet!

Finished up with the carving on this one this morning and have started adding all the details.   Still have to flesh out the pipe -but once that’s done the carving should be pretty well finished.  After that it’s on to the paint table and the real fun. I made his earrings out of brass…

Red Horse – Under Construction!

Originally published on March 4, 2014 Here’s the beginning of my next project.  It’s will be quite a large carving…already testing the limits of my Band-saw not to mention my right arm!  Excluding the head the body blank took an entire 4″ x10″x18″ block of that good Heineke wood.   He will be holding a…

Just A Little Off The Top!

Originally published in 2014 The carving part of this piece was finished up today with the installation of the mirror.  Judy and I spent some time in the WalMart makeup section yesterday looking for a ladies compact that I could remove the mirror from to allow him to see his reflection.  I think it’s pretty…

The Gold Nugget Saloon – A Tune Up!

  Originally Published in 2013 Just finished tuning up this piece prior to delivering it to the Museum.  About the only thing it needed was a new bed upstairs.  Evidently Diamond Lil was so busy up there that the bed springs gave way.  Either that or it suffered a pretty hard bounce on it’s way…