Well, I started out hoping to find a way to create these videos on my own so I could relieve Judy of the chore of holding the camera. Unfortunately, that idea didn’t work out. So, we’re back to her holding the camera and trying to keep up with me. Sorry Sweetie! As I’ve mentioned before,…
Category: Sculpture
Bitter Creek Newcomb
Here’s a little slideshow of a carving I did quite some time ago back before we started making videos. The head of the figure was already carved but it will show how the bust body was completed, painted and mounted. “Bitter Creek” Newcomb was a member of the Dalton gang but was lucky enough to…
A New Bottle Stopper
I have a few extra heads setting around on the workbench so I thought I would do a new, larger than normal, bottle stopper. It’s nothing really out of the normal stopper but the character’s braids required a taller bottle than the short mounts I normally use. Anyway, it should turn out nice once it…
I’m Almost Embarrassed!
Three or four years ago I first saw some figures carved by a Mr. Peter Ekback, who lives in Lapland, Sweden, on the Character Carvers Face Book Page. I was totally astounded by the creativity, cleverness, and overall appeal of his creations. Some might call his techniques a little crude but I call them fantastic! …
Darn! I Dropped the Remote!
This carving has always been one of my favorites. A classic for sure. I did this piece back in September, 2007 and it was immediately sold to some lucky Cowpoke at the Red Steagall Cowboy & Chuckwagon gathering in Fort Worth, TX. Judy and I were invited down to participate in the event by setting…
Just a Quick Note!
We have just manage to clear up a problem with our “Subscibe” button on the bottom right of this page. Unfortunately, in doing so we lost all of our previous subscribers! So, if you had previously subscribed to this site or if you wish to subscribe to future posts, please do so again. We certainly…
Choctaw Charlie
Here’s a little carving I did recently that went south. Not south in a bad way! My Granddaughter ask if I would do a carving for the Father of her fiancé who had seen my webpage and really enjoyed my work. The piece stands about 10 inches tall with the walnut base. She said he…
Jack Rabbit – Part 3 – A Setback!
Someone once said “A man has to realize his limitations!” Well, I’ve found a new one. Setting down to video the next episode of Jack Rabbit, I found that what was once a fairly easy thing for me to do was no longer possible. My hand holding the brush was just too shaky to paint…
Jack Rabbit – Part 2 Painting the Chuckwagon Cook
Moving to the upper part of the body, and addressing the problem with a lousy spray bottle, we continue adding color to the smiling Cook. Comments welcome.
Jack Rabbit – Painting the Chuckwagon Cook – Part 1
Wow! You folks are hungry! I posted the first Video of this new series yesterday afternoon but didn’t have a chance to make the Blog entry. On checking this morning there were already over 300 views so what I type here will be old news to a lot of you. But I ain’t complaining! No…