Rendezvous Bound – Part 3 – June 27, 2016

Finally!   I thought I would never finish painting this guy but in the end it was worth the effort.  Really like all the bright colors and especially the feathers.  The only problem I can see is that there is so much color it’s hard to focus on one area without being drawn to another!…

Rendezvous Bound – June 18, 2016

I think we’re having a Rendezvous down at the shop.  Mountain Men all over the place.   Here’s the latest.  This one is pretty large compared to what I normally do….14″ with the walnut base.  Still have to add the feathers to his top hat and then it’s off to the paint table.  Should be…

The Booshway – June 12, 2016

Here’s one that’s been on the workbench and paint table for quite a while.  With springtime chores and a planned trip to Jackson, WY, Yellowstone, the Tetons and the Little Big Horn battlefield taking precedence, finding time to do some whittling has been difficult.    We had time to take in the Mountain Man museum…

Montana Pete – April 2016

Here’s a new one.  “Montana Pete”!  He stands almost 14″ tall with the base.  You can tell he’s from Montana by the at he wears….a Montana Peak style of crown.   This shows up better in the side view pics.   Comments welcome.  

Endeavor to Persevere – March 2016

Okay….I’ll say it!   WOW!   I really like this piece.  I had my doubts as I painted him but once I added the facial decoration it all seemed to come together.  I really like the eyes as they just seem to say so much.  Sort of “Look!  I’m here and I’m not going anywhere!”…

Native American With Robe – March 2016

About wore myself out today doing this one.  Cut the blank out from a 4 inch piece of basswood I bought back in the 90’s  and I think it was in the process of becoming petrified as it sure was hard.  This one is 15 inches tall with the walnut base and it might grow…

Touch The Stars – January, 2016

January 26 – Here is a new one I’m in the process of doing.  The shield will be fleshed out quite a bit more before it’s finished.  Also it’s a bit more realistic in the facial features.  I’ve lessened the size of the eyes which should look pretty good once the color is added….at least…

“Friend Or Foe?” – Feb. 2016

For some strange reason I seem to have not made a Blog entry on the construction of this piece. Strange!  Anyway, I’ll see if I can remember as much as I can about how it came to be.  As I usually do, I carve the head before moving on to other parts of the piece. …

Wichita – January, 2016

Put the finishing color to this one yesterday and he turned out just great.  Especially, as his head had been collecting dust on the workbench for the past couple of years.  I guess it proves the adage that you shouldn’t rush into some things. With the base this one stands as 12″ so it’s makes…

Jedediah – January, 2016

Now this fella could no doubt tell you some really interesting stories.  I picked the name Jedediah as that has always been a favorite of mine since I read a book about Jedediah Strong Smith many years ago. If ever there was a Mountain man old Jed was him.   Of all the characters of…