New Video Series – Billy Little Fox

Quite a few of you have been asking about when a new Video series with come out.  Well, how about today?  This will be a fairly short one and also one which shouldn’t be so difficult.  If you can carve a Santa you should be able to carve Billy Little Fox!  We’ll be using 3″…

Buffalo Bill Cody – August 21, 2015

Buffalo Bill Cody is one of my heroes in American History.  Truly a remarkable man.  In his time he was without a doubt the most famous man in the world.  If you ever get the chance to visit the Cody Museum in Cody, Wyoming you should take it as it is one of the best…

Rooster Finds A New Home – August, 2015

Driving up to Winterset, Iowa, we handed over my carving of “Rooster” to the new John Wayne Museum this past Tuesday.  They were quite excited about receiving it and placed it in the “True Grit” display case right next to the eyepatch John Wayne wore when filming the movie.  Funny…when I mentioned that Judy and…

The Searcher – July 2015

I putt the finishing touches to this one today and am pretty satisfied with it.  If things work out it will be destined for the new John Wayne Museum in Winterset, Iowa.  Seems the Director of the museum and the Wayne family saw a photo of the small bust I did earlier and asked if…

Red Hawk II – July 11, 2015

Here’s a new one I just finished today.  Approximately 8 inches tall with the base.  I have to admit that I had my doubts about him but after applying the facial paint everything seemed to come together. For the texture on the robe I again used some fine gravel held in place by clear acrylic…

The Auction Results are In!

The Auction for the carving “Jeremiah” ended today at 12:00 with the winning bid of $405.00 from Keith Rumohr.  Keith craftily sled in at the last moment with his bid and walked away with a pretty nice carving.  So, if Keith can send me his address I will get the piece boxed up and ready…

Making A Pair Of Reflective Sunglasses

These 5 videos were posted on Youtube 5 years ago.  Now that you know how simple it is to make a pair of looking glass frames, here is a little more difficult project on how to make a pair reflective sunglasses.  Again, while there are quite a few more steps in the process I think…

Making A Pair Of Glasses

We made this video on how I make glass frames back in 2015.  Since then it’s received 4,617 views so I guess a lot of carvers found it interesting.  Hopefully, they made their own set to add to one or some of their carvings cause this little detail can add a lot of character to…

Fence Work 2 – Finished

Yahoo!  Finally got this one off the work table.  Had so many other projects going in the shop it was hard to get the time needed to complete it.  But it’s done and I think it looks great. – In painting the figure I muted most of the colors to give the figure a look…