The Country Doctor

Here are two small carvings  of Country Doctors from back in the 90s.  I have done similar figures a couple of times before . These stand about 7″ tall not counting the base. Funny, I was seriously considering reducing the size of my figures beginning with these but after the positive results of several woodcarving…

Buckaroo Breakfast – 2009

This is a pretty involved scene as I wanted to get in as much of the actual detail of a Chuckwagon set up as possible.  It took me about a year and a half to complete it. In the closeup photos in the photos below you can see the details more clearly.  The cowboy leaning…

Another Dark Horse!

Here’s another cowboy looking for a ride on a dark night.  Now, from the expression on his face he looks a little shifty so he must have some sort of plan.  Who knows?  Those guys are always up to something.  I changed the action of this character just a bit by lowering his arm holding…

Po Campo – June 15, 2019

If you’re familiar with the TV series and book Lonesome Dove you will recognize Po Campo, the camp cook on the drive to Montana.  As he got his job by offering up some crispy insects I thought I would add one to create a little interest to the piece.  I carved the body of the…

The Wood Chopper – June 15, 2019

Now this one is an exact copy of one I did a few years back.  But as he is headed to Santa Fe, and as I always liked the way the colors were so bright and worked so well together,  I thought it would gather a lot of interest setting in our display.  The wood…

Running Horse – June 15, 2019

Another Indian bust with a shield.  You might think I would get tired of carving these but I don’t.  I love to paint and come up with new ways to detail the figures.  This one was for a lady who liked Appaloosa horses.   Once the figure was painted it looked kind of bland to me…

Red Dirt Wrangler – June 15, 2019

If you’ve ever driven across Oklahoma you note that while going west and approaching the middle of the state the earth turns quite red.   That’s certainly appropriate as the Choctaw word “Oklahoma” means Red People.    I thought I’d combine the two into an Indian cowboy character, hence the braids.  No doubt there were quite…

Buckskin Bill – June 15, 2019

This old Scout has probably seen some pretty interesting things over the years out on the plains.  I wish I knew a few of his stories as after posting all these “catch up” posts I’ve completely run out of thing to say.  I’ll bet he’s looking forward to a cold one back at the Post canteen.  …

All Caught Up! – June 15, 2019

And now…..I’m officially caught up with what I’ve been doing since back in March.  Hopefully, in the future I’ll be able to keep a little more current about what’s been going on Out West! I had Judy take my photo with all the carvings we plan on taking along with us to the Cody Old…