Checkin’ Her Out!

Originally published in 2011. I can’t say whether he’s looking at the 4 legged filly in the round pen or the 2 legged one setting on the fence.  Whichever, by the look on his face I think he approves of what he sees! For a while I had my doubts about the paint job on…

The Dog Soldier – Finished!

Originally published in September 2011 I spent most of Sunday and all this morning finishing this fella up.  All I can say is WOW!  He really turned out well and I’m sure will be one of the best examples of my efforts so far.–I’m not really sure just how many feathers are in his headdress…at…

Done Gone Under — Finished!

Originally published in 2011 “Finally!  With all the projects going on around our spread at the moment I actually found the time to finish this little scene.  I think it turned out real well even if I did have to change a few of the original ideas I had back when I started.  Some always…


Sometimes I forget what I’m doing or where I’m at when transferring old posts into the new Blog.  Unfortunately, this seems to happen more frequently lately.  Anyway, to try to reorient myself, this post shows most of what carvings I completed back in 2010.  Now I can hopefully begin posting work from 2011 without the…

Rise & Shine!

Originally published in September, 2009 “Now that’s a stretch! I think this carving really turned out great and even though I didn’t add that second figure it ended up just the way it should have.-One thing we have to remember is that the larger the piece the harder the sell. That is another reason I decided…

‘Round the Bunkhouse Stove

Originally published in September, 2009 “Just finished this first character for my Bunkhouse Stove scene. Had the wife come down and model her longjohns so I could get the folds right. I had some worries about the face and whether I could capture a yawn correctly but it turned out just right. There’s lots of fine…

Rise & Shine – The Bunkhouse Stove

Originally published in September, 2009 “I came across this photo the other day while looking for Bunkhouse reference material. While I’ve made potbelly stoves in the past I’d never considered a box style. It’s clear that the fellas gathered around this heater are not Cowboys but it would be an easy matter to make some…

A Couple of Unknown Cowboys!

These two wranglers were carved back in the 2007’s.  I’m sure they received a brass name plate but I can’t remember what they said or which was which.  I was carving pretty steady back then.  Nice looking little figures with the great looking Horseshoe bases.  Another thing that’s interesting with these two is that you…

Waiting For A Good One

Here’s another early one.  A wrangler relaxing against the corral fence, waiting for a prospective ride for the days chores.  He’s got his bridle hanging from the fence, ready for that good looking Paint on the far side of the remuda.   I can’t see the date on the base but it’s two digits so it…

Wild Bill

Wild Bill is another character I did back in the 90’s, shortly after we retired.  This is an instance where the details make the figure.  The long hair, long coat, especially the double holsters with the gun butts forward.  A classic character. I read once that each morning Wild Bill would fire off all the…