Burning Leather on the 6666

Burning Leather on the 6666

Originally published in June, 2009.

“I thought the brand of this ranch was unique and would make a good item to build a scene around. As is evident from the carving the wrangler’s iron is hot and he’s waiting for the boys to drag over the next one so he can apply the company’s signature.

The wife and I drove to Lubbock, Texas back in ’01 to attend the National Cowboy Symposium. West of Wichita Falls we came upon the eastern boundary of the Four 6’s ranch. Close to 340,000 acres we seemed to drive forever before we came to the western line. Half way we came to the town of Guthrie where the ranch headquarters are located. How many ranches are so large that they have their own town? Quite a place….quite a history. Here’s a link if you want to learn more about it: http://www.6666ranch.com
I thought the brand of this ranch was unique and would make a good item to build a scene around. As is evident from the carving the wrangler’s iron is hot and he’s waiting for the boys to drag over the next one so he can apply the company’s signature.
I made the brand out of some metal I had in the shop.  For the numbers, I flattened the rod and individually formed the 6’s which were then soldered together.”
Personallly, I think it makes a nice little scene of what took place out there on the plains of West Texas.
Comments welcome as usual.   

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

3 Comments to “Burning Leather on the 6666”

  1. Peter Voogt says:

    Great carving Lynn, I’ve already stubbed on the 6666 ranch in surge for cowboy life on the net.
    Its HUGE with Capital capitals.

  2. Peter Voogt says:

    B.t.w. 666 is the devils nr.

    1. Lynn Doughty says:

      OPPS! That missing number changes everything!! Thanks for pointing it out!

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