Painting “The Skinner” Part-2

Painting “The Skinner” Part-2

I was hoping that we could wrap this piece up with 2 segments but it was not to be.  So, this one is devoted to deciding just what colors we can use to carry the dark and shifty mood of the piece.  I think we did that as you will see at the end of this video.  

As always, comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

4 Comments to “Painting “The Skinner” Part-2”

  1. Watched part 1 last night, and will be watching part 2 tonight!

  2. Mike Jackson says:

    Another great tutorial. I think many of us have benefited from the little extras that you add to your basic carving figures as well as the subtletie of the blending of the finished painting.
    I appreciate the fact that you choose share your talent and tutorials.
    Thank you,
    Mike Jackson

  3. Mike Jackson says:

    Mr Doughty, would you consider posting or showing some of your early carvings when you first started?

  4. Wes kuehnle says:

    Love your carvings and how well you describe how and why you do go through each step. I think I’ve watched all your videos at least 2x. I have to admit, I was concerned about you since you haven’t posted anything in a while. Anyway, good to see you and Judy back at it. Keep them coming!!
    All the best!

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