Jack Rabbit – Part 3 – A Setback!

Someone once said “A man has to realize his limitations!”  Well, I’ve found a new one.  Setting down to video the next episode of Jack Rabbit, I found that what was once a fairly easy thing for me to do was no longer possible.  My hand holding the brush was just too shaky to paint a smooth line.  I hate to say it but old age is beginning to have an affect on my carving abilities.  Unfortunately, painting the finer details on my pieces has been diminished to the point that I no longer think it’s fair to the collector to accept it.  A real bummer.  Even the actual carving of a piece is starting to be a little more difficult.  Frustrating!

So, over the past few days I’ve been looking for a way to make up for that loss.  Hopefully, the solution that I think might work will arrive in the next few days so we’ll see what happens.  Fingers crossed.  I can still do that!

Update!  There is no Part 4 to this video series.  I was not really sure how to do the apron design so a lot of experimentation was involved to figure things out.  I did come up with a solution but we did not put it down on film so you could see the process.  I will address this issue in an upcoming series which I think you will find interesting.  

Comments welcome. 

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

13 Comments to “Jack Rabbit – Part 3 – A Setback!”

  1. Ron Berlier says:

    I believe that quote is from a Clint Eastwood movie though I can’t recall which one.

  2. Charles Lewis says:

    You’re a great artist and so generous in sharing your time. Hope that you will find a solution and continue showcasing your craft.

  3. Clifford Pitner says:

    Lynn. Age is catching all of us so I understand limitations . Work arounds are great things and the results are just as satisfactory. I look forward to your creative work arounds

  4. Rex Reitmayer says:

    Sorry to hear that Lynn. Hope your new method works.Not that my abilities were anywhere closed to yours, I truly admire your capabilities. I’m finding both my carving and painting abilities are slipping also. I’m loosing interest and I hate it. Hoping that is only temporary.
    Rex Reitmayer

  5. Cindy Mink Mink says:

    Thoroughly understand . Blessings to you.

  6. Peter Voogt says:

    Dear Lynn,
    I am sorry to hear that, because I know what that means. I suffer from essential tremor That means trembling with painting, coffee drinking or other liquid, and writing. But I hope you come up with a solution. Maybe it’s good for me, too. But please keep tutoring and making videos.
    Greeting Peter.

    P.S. first cowboy nearly ready, i send you a photo.

  7. John Drews says:

    Sorry to hear this but I have found in the last year or two, my abilities to get some art things done have waned also.
    I wish you the best in your endeavors and once again, wish to say Thank You to you and Judy for sharing your art and the techniques you use.
    I hope you can find a solution and can let us in on the secret if you do.
    Best regards!

  8. Chuck says:

    Yeah, I know the feeling. At 82 I still have good eye sight and no shaky hands yet but fingers get cramps sometime after carving too long. Also, don’t seem to have the enthusiasm to carve as much as I used too. I still try to carve a little every day but after a short period of time, I get up and walk away, coming back later when urge its me. Big Thank You for all you have done to promote and help the wood carving community. You were certainly an inspiration when I started in 2008.

    Hang in there!!! Aren’t these Golden Years wonderful? LOL

  9. Mike Monroe says:

    Lynn, I hope you can find a method you are satisfied with as I am still in the market! I am amazed at your prior lettering/line work and would love to see how you do it, are there prior videos? I have trouble with the simple straight lines (on a vest for example) so am humbled by what you have accomplished.
    All the best,

    Mike Monroe

  10. Gary Robinson says:

    Lynn, you have been such an inspiration to us all and I want to thank you for all you do.
    Please know that our prayers are with you and I hope you will be able to continue your talented work.

    God bless

  11. Sharon says:

    Lynn, I concur. It’s frustrating to know and see with your mind’s eye what you want to do, but find that your body can’t or that it ends up takes longer to do than before. Hopefully, you’ll find a work around solution. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Lynn and Judy! Although we’ve never met, you have made a difference in my life. Not long ago you mentioned in a video that you had a lack of motivation for carving the past year during the COVID stuff (I’m very glad you and Judy remained well through it all). I lost my carving motivation too for the past year. My spirit was uplifted when I found in on YouTube that you had posted a new carving video (Painting “The Skinner” – Part 1). Watching it and the videos you’ve posted since has jump started my motivation to carve and paint again. Thank you both for that; and please keep tutoring, motivating, and making video.

  12. Adam Flores says:

    Hi Lynn, I’m looking for the video you did that shows how you did the decal onto Jack Rabbit’s apron.

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