This carving has always been one of my favorites. A classic for sure. I did this piece back in September, 2007 and it was immediately sold to some lucky Cowpoke at the Red Steagall Cowboy & Chuckwagon gathering in Fort Worth, TX. Judy and I were invited down to participate in the event by setting up a display in the old Mule barns. I remember it well as I had just recently fell off my horse Boomer and broke my arm! Red was kind enough to stop by, autograph my cast, offer a little sympathy, and share a photo with me. Fun times for sure. But I digress….

Getting back to that little house on the prairie…It’s not often you’re able to find such comfort way Out West as this wrangler did. Hopefully, he was able to pick up the Western Channel while he was thumbing through that Sears catalog. I’ve included some additional photos of the piece to show some of the other details. As always, comments are welcome and appreciated.
I absolutely love your style! So far, this has to be one of my favorites! I have tried carving one of the horses similar to your style. It’s not perfect but I had a lot of fun working on him. Thanks for the inspiration and informative videos! Thanks to Judy for holding that camera so still!
Great carving
Like this one. Great whit and imagination.
Detail on horse is great.. and helpful, as I have a cowboy on a horse in the works. Your style of course.
Love the way you carve.
Yes, a very nice piece indeed. I dd like to make one too, if thats alright by you. I will change some things to give it mine own signature.