Smoke Break

Smoke Break

Originally published on October 26, 2009
I’ve always been fascinated by the Buffalo Soldiers, probably because they were headquarter just up the road from us in Fort Scott, Kansas. They patrolled the military highway between there, Fort Gibson, Ok, and Fort Smith, Arkansas. Just maybe they rode right by the Out West Gallery. Whatever, I carved this First Sergeant back in 2002, no doubt after I saw some movie on the Western Channel. I tried to put as much authentic detail on him as I could: his Springfield Trapdoor Carbine, sidearm, canteen & cup, and correct uniform. These are the things that really make carving enjoyable to me. I’ve also attached a reference photo I used to create this guy. Here is a terrific link for research material: The U.S. Springfield Trapdoor Rifle Information Center.
In the associated photo album in the Gallery I’ve included a reference photo that I used when creating this guy. While its of a Spanish American War soldier he’s carrying a Springfield Carbine. My Grandfather fought in that war and is buried in the Fort Scott National Cemetary.
Here’s a challenge for you…..For your next figure why not pick a historical character and do the research to fit him/her out with the correct gear, uniform, etc. I’ll bet anything that you will find out pretty quick just how much more enjoyable this extra effort will make your carving adventure.
Anyway, I hope you like this character and will look forward to any comments you might have.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to “Smoke Break”

  1. Kevin Mielcarek says:

    Walter Mathau comes to mind when I see this fellow. Terrific.

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