Off Season Santa – Part 2

Off Season Santa – Part 2

Let’s see….Slippers, Beer, Racing Form….Now to get those Dwarves out of the recliner!

This was a fun figure to do even though I’m not really orientated toward this Jolly Old Fella.  But, sometimes you just have to go with the flow of things and on the Caricature Carvers Face Book site that’s Santa.  However, in doing this one I wanted to make sure it was unique to my style so I placed him after the Christmas rush, dressed for a relaxing day in the recliner following something other than Reindeer. 

If you look at the first two photos below you will note a change in his choice of Beer.  I had  him originally holding the plastic type of sixpack holder with a can in the hand.  Not liking that I made a trip down to a local liquor store to see if I could find something better. Checking the stock I found the Moosehead brand, clearly the one brand that would be available up at the North Pole.  No Bud Light for this guy!

Returning to the shop, I scaled out the sixpack carton and bottles, photographed and reduced the carton branding, and carved 4 bottles, one opened.  As 2 bottles are already missing Santa must be well on his way to that Rosy nose. 

In the 3rd photograph you can see that  Santa is also an admirer of the ladies.  No doubt landing at a local Hooters.  I spent a lot of time painting that little Owl and the drops of Pizza sauce on his t-shirt.  Unfortunately, excepting the sauce all was lost beneath his beard.  I made the Racing Form out of printer paper having reduced the actual heading on the computer.  To finish him off, a gold robe tie. 

So, that’s my contribution to the Santa theme, one I doubt I’ll ever do again.  Merry Christmas!

Comments welcome as always. 

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to “Off Season Santa – Part 2”

  1. Peter Voogt says:

    Again a great piece Lynn, he belongs in your gallery.

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