Will Rogers

Naturally, living in Oklahoma, Will Rogers has always been a favorite of mine.  I’ve done quite a few carvings of the Cherokee Kid over the years and these three are the earliest. The standing version is part of the permanent collection in the Will Rogers Memorial in Claremore, OK.  I did him as a young…

Willy Lone Eagle

Willy was created back in 2007.  A great figure study with a lot of decoration.  There’s definitely something going on over on his left that he’s sad about.  I spent almost more time painting this piece than the carving.  Of course that occurred almost 15 years ago when my hands were much more steady than…

Yellow Bird and Little Beaver

Here’s a cheery couple from back in 2007.  Lots of color and great detail in the papoose and little one inside.  I did some research to make sure that that was correct, right down to the brass tack decoration on the frame.  Their not actual tacks but just drops of gold paint.   Hope you like…

The Wood Chopper

This chilly wrangler has always been is one of my favorites.  Done quite a few years ago, he’s a great piece that tells a great story just by looking at him.  We know it’s cold by the snow on the ground, his rosey cheeks and very red nose.  Fortunately, he had a neckerchief that he…