Could I ask a favor? When I get through going through all the steps of organizing the photos and coming up with the words to explain each post, I always wonder just how it will be received by those subscribed or just viewing the result. The only way that can happen is if someone drops a comment. I know that the posts are being visited as there is a statistics counter. Unfortunately, it doesn’t tell me who, what, or where these invisible patrons are! So, If you see something you like, hate, or you’re just passing by please take a moment to say HI! Better yet let me know what you think about the post. If you find something you disagree with tell me…I’m a old guy but I can still take the criticism. If you can’t find the words to express here’s a few you could use. Only kidding!

But really, whether your comments if positive or negative thats good as it shows I’m still relevant in the carving world. Actually, a few negative words might even be the ones that rekindle that old spark to make some more quality chips. And I definitely need that!
So, how about it? Your comments are appreciated.
You’re right. We can leave a message, only it’s a short one. So this being sad, I love your work, but you already knew that. And not only your work also from Judy. So Judy, well done, to take the time to film Lynn while carving.
I appreciate your tutorials and thoughts. They caused me to realize how much I enjoy carving. I have learned a great deal from your blog
Your YouTube tutorials are fantastic and much appreciated, I’ve only been carving a few years, since retiring, as a hobby, and those YouTubes have been extreamly helpfull.
Especially carving the Hat seperate and learning about correct facial structure & porportions in charicature.
Videos are better then pictures for me, but appreciate all you have to offer.