“Shifty”- Not Me!  The Other Guy!

“Shifty”- Not Me! The Other Guy!

Well….it’s been a while since I’ve been able to set down and make a couple of new entries on the Blog.  Boxing up and mailing out all the carvings that were sold a few weeks back plus the usual chores around the place has really occupied all our time.  Then there was the constant worry about the snails pace of handling those boxes through the US postal service.  I don’t know what happened to the normal 3 day transit of a small box mailed using the Priority rate but it took several of the pieces almost 3 weeks to get to their destination.  I still have a box setting in the International Mail Center in the Netherlands.  Ridiculous!  It’s terrible then the only outlet you have to check on things is a recorded device.  Anyway…….Let’s talk about Shifty!


I’m not sure what he’s looking at but you can bet he’s thinking of some angle to take advantage of it!  I really like the way his hat hangs on his head.  Unfortunately, the front drops down so far it hides arched left eyebrow and that cancels out some of the “Shifty-ness”of his expression.  Those things happen sometimes.  So, you make a note to yourself and hope you remember it the next time.

Comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to ““Shifty”- Not Me! The Other Guy!”

  1. Looks great, Lynn! The feather is a great add. And I love the brim of the hat.

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